Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I don't want to give anyone false sense of hope!

Following Jesus has many blessings as well as some struggles. For example, I used to struggle daily thoughts self-destruction and doubt.  ( and sometimes still do)As I am sure we all have at some point. Contrary to popular opinion, I am not an angel, I am human! Is because of God's grace and love that I am writing this to you today. Something Else you should know is that I have a temper That sometimes overwhelms me. ...
My need to receive approval from others, would often override  my convictions about approval from God! Did you know that Jesus is well aware of our human side too? He is aware of our weakness, desires, strengths and hurt. Because of my limitations I am driven to the cross daily... Depending on Christ to be my source of hope, strength and grace! I would encourage you to think about this today!
I know not all of us can relate to having CP or being in a wheelchair ,but all of us have been crippled by fear or have something in our lives holding us back.
Remember friends, there is no situation to broken for God's hand to restore!

Today's thoughts are from Rebekah's REAL life, enjoy!