Hi friends,
often times we think that our relationship with Christ is based on what we do. But today I want to challenge your thinking, because it is based on what Christ has done for us! In Scripture it says “it's not by works that we are saved… But through faith!
The work that Jesus Christ has done justifies us in God. In the word there is a story of a Pharisee and a tax collector. The Pharisees says something along the Lines of “thank you God, that I am not like that tax collector and I follow your rules”. While the tax collector beats his chest and says “God please have mercy on me”. Which one walked away justified? The tax collector, because instead of babbling about how good he was he asked God for mercy which is something that God is rich in! Sometimes we think that we have to work for God's mercy, but the fact is that God's mercy is a free gift! Today you can experience that gift for yourself. Remember, that you don't have to earn his mercy. It is yours when you invite him into your heart! I love you, God loves you and you are formed for his use.
Very true, and often when we accept this truth for our salvation, we forget it in living our lives. We forget that the same God who loves us so much that He was willing to die on the cross for our salvation, loves us everyday of our lives and for eternity. Not because we are such "good" chrisitans, but because that's His nature to love and show mercy,