Thursday, November 5, 2015

Facing Depression?

Hi friends,
Are you facing depression? It is a very real illness that needs to be addressed, not just swept under the rug. Admitting that you are struggling with depression is often the hardest yet most important step to  healing! I will be one out of many people to tell you that there is hope and help for you. I had my own battle with depression, beginning at age 8.  It is still a battle and at times I felt hopeless  and helpless… Those are two emotions that the human spirit cannot endure. I'd like to give you a few keys to overcoming what can seem so dark (1)  actively choose where you put your focus/thoughts. (2)  be willing to ask for help! I know this is hard for many of us, myself included. We have a tendency to think that asking for help makes us weak or inferior but the reality is if we let it build up it can tear our life and family apart. Finally, (3) one of the most  important steps to overcoming depression is finding hope. This world offers many things claiming to give hope,  but the reality is those things are temporary. I want to encourage you that there is hope beyond mundane life. Hope is found in the living God. It seems that  everything we try in our human effort only leads to despair, I speak from experience! I am not saying that you have to join a religion, but I highly suggest that you seek a relationship with God. His love will never leave us no matter how hard or trying things get. I have found that when I try and do things in my own effort, I fail. However, when I rely on God to be my strength I succeed! Remember friends every life is formed for his use!

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