Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thought of the day: What is important ?

Hi friends,
We live in a world that puts a lot of importance on earthly things, such as :money, fame, education and possessions . Right now I am reminded of what is really important . It's not the things that the world holds so dear, but rather your eternal destiny ! I would encourage you to fix your eyes and heart on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith!

Let me ask you something. Would you rather gain all the riches in the world, and loose your soul? Or surrender your heart to your Father in Heaven, and experience His grace and mercy? So many people haven't experienced the freedom and richness that Christ has to offer, because they want to hold onto the temporary things of this world, which are fleeting in comparison to eternity . We will have to let go of our old pattern of living to fully embrace what God has for us. But it's worth it... It's the best eternal decision we can make! Come to him as you are, sin and all. Everyone has sinned... Myself included!
Cherish every moment you have here, because we never know when this life will end, or when eternity will begin for us! God loves you, I love you and you are formed for his use! Today's thoughts are taken from: Hebrews 12:2, Romans 3:23-24, Luke 12:13-21.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone !

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